Can You Perform Dermal Filler and Botox Procedures?

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can you perform dermal filler and botox procedures

Botox is a widely popular injectable cosmetic procedure. Since it first came onto the market in 2002, the demand for therapeutic injectables near you has never gone down, which is why many medical professionals have acquired certifications in administering it. In this article, our team at Flourish Family & General Dentistry answers some of the most frequently asked questions on this topic and explores what it takes to become certified in Botox and dermal filler administration.

Botox Certifications

Depending on where you live, there are different laws surrounding Botox procedures. Typically, Botox treatments should only be provided by licensed medical dentist in Indian Land, medical doctors, or registered nurses.

Although therapeutic injections are primarily offered for aesthetic purposes, Botox is classified as a prescription-only medication, and therefore should only be administered by a medical professional with the right certifications, such as:

Licensed Medical Doctors

If you are a licensed medical physician, you can prescribe and administer both dermal fillers and therapeutic injectables in Indian Land, as long as you undergo the required toxin training for both. General doctors, plastic surgeons, and dermatologists are all eligible to perform Botox.

Licensed Dentists

If you are a dentist, performing Botox is an excellent way to expand your knowledge and current practice. Ensure that you are able to perform Botox for cosmetic purposes, as in some areas, there are limitations where dentists near you can only perform Botox on patients for medical purposes. For example, addressing pain due to temporomandibular joint disorder.

Registered Nurses

Registered nurses can also become certified to administer dermal fillers and Botox. However, they must enroll in neurotoxin courses and obtain a dermal filler and Botox certification from a reputable institution. Registered nurses with the correct certification can only administer treatment under the guidance of a medical director.

Can Aestheticians or Physician Assistants Administer Botox? 

Health care staff- such as therapists, hygienists, aestheticians, and nursing or dental assistants are not licensed medical professionals. As such, they are not authorized to administer dermal fillers or therapeutic injectables alone. However, they are eligible to assist a medical professional during treatment.

Sometimes, private medical spas allow unlicensed medical professionals to administer Botox, but this is highly discouraged because it heightens the risk of medical negligence and malpractice. With a medical background, nurses and doctors can assess whether patients are ideal candidates for Botox and dermal fillers or whether they have allergies or underlying medical conditions that could cause complications with treatment. When Botox is performed incorrectly, there can be serious consequences, such as drooping facial features, vision impairment, and breathing challenges.

How to Obtain Your Botox Certification

If you are interested in obtaining your license for Botox certification, make your time, money, and effort worth it by signing up for the best dermal filler and Botox certification courses in the country.

If you are a medical practitioner who would like to add Botox to your portfolio of expertise, there are one-day or two-day courses designed specifically for this purpose. Some courses use saline substitutes instead of actual toxin and dermal filler products. Ensure that you find a certification course that uses real products and provides you with hands-on training so that you get an authentic experience and a clear understanding of what results to expect.

For more information on Botox and dermal filler certification, contact our team at Flourish Family & General Dentistry. We are happy to point you in the right direction!